Rapha Cycle Club, Sydney
Will Ross, May 14, 2016

Sydney has no shortage of cafes, home to a caffeinated culture that is pretty much unrivalled. It’s on this front that Rapha landed its first southern hemisphere cafe, an outpost in Surry Hills
Complete with a glistening coffee machine and a robust bike rack, the cafe allows you to step through numerous tributes to cycling including stairs named after famous climbs and Hennie Kuiper’s wonderful line, “Racing is licking your opponents plate before starting your own.” A Team Sky Pinarello Dogma was hanging from the ceiling during my visit – a kind of constellation for mortals.

Rapha’s Sydney Cafe also serves as a starting point for rides on Wednesday, Friday and Sunday mornings, with the Friday being a dedicated Women’s event. Evening events are also hosted at the cafe.
Drop by Monday to Friday between 6am to 7pm, Saturday 8am to 7pm, Sunday & Holidays 8am to 6pm. Note that coffees aren’t served after 2pm. Take a look through their menu of edible snacks prior to arrival.