MSR Evo Ascent 22 Snowshoe
Ross McEwen, December 22, 2010

The MSR Evo Ascent 22 is a US-manufactured all-terrain snowshoe. It has a modular construction with the option of attaching a 6 inch tailpiece when carrying extra weight or walking in deep powder.
The Ascent 22 has steel vertical and horizontal traction bars, which combined with the ‘Televator’ binding, failed to lose grip on the steepest and iciest ascents. The bindings also serve to take the strain off the lower legs on steeper sections, as they tilt at the toe to give a more natural walking motion. They can accommodate anything from a narrow hiking boot to bulky snowboard boots. However, it was found that in cold conditions, the bindings were quite difficult to secure with gloves on.
The Ascent 22 was no quicker than a good walking boot on flat, hard-packed snowy paths, but was superior in powder snow with the tailpieces attached. They came into their own on a climb; their grip proved tenacious and their pace unabated on anything technical or icy.
For more on the Ascent 22 and information on dealers, head to