Life of Born to Run Legend Resurfaced
Will Ross, July 16, 2015

Now that Scott Jurek has broken the Appalachian Trail thru-hike record, it seems like a good time to address another character from Chris McDougall’s bestseller, Born to Run. Crafted around the mighty feats of the Tarahumara in the Copper Canyons, Mexico, Born to Run winds the clock back to a more fundamental way of living, and primeval sense of running.
The searing heat of the canyons and sheer aspect of the Canyons comes through in the book, made more impossible by paltry diets involving chia, wild brews and a lot of running.
McDougall makes multiple trips to the canyons and credits his story to the life of a once US-based athlete, Caballo Blanco (originally ‘Micah True’) who answers to his calling and heads into the Canyons to live and trail full-time. Sadly, Caballo died in 2012, but his story has now been archived in a Run Free which tours the US from the end of August 2015.
Run Free – The True Story of Caballo Blanco from Noren Films on Vimeo.